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  4. UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

    20th Anniversary UK real-world meetup

      Our 20th Anniversary UK real-world meetup is planned for a Saturday in September 2024 at Manchester Airport, with food and drinks in the evening. We had a great time at FSWeekend in Lelystadt but appreciate not everyone would have been able to make the overseas trip so we welcome all members to join us in Manchester. To enable the team to progress with planning and confirm dates and arrangements, if you would like to join us, please indicate your preferences on the Google form linked below. Please only submit the form if you have a strong intention of attending. The suggested dates are Saturday 7th, 14th, 21st or 28th of September 2024.   https://forms.gle/DaAShMhMCrQBxZcg9
  5. UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

    Fly UK Ops Challenge 2024

    Day in the life - Short Haul operations The challenge, select and operate any daily schedule for a Fly UK group short-haul aircraft, and operate a minimum of four consecutive sectors mirroring the published timetable. To search for a specific aircraft's daily flight schedule use the flight search tool and filter by registration. A full list of fleet registrations can also be found in the Fleet Center. Be sure to scan through the fleet to find a schedule that you like...there is plenty to choose from. Challenge Guidelines   Flights must be operated on the calendar on the same day as your selected airframe and reflect the set schedule for that airframe registration. You can operate the flights at any real-world time but sim time should be set to reflect scheduled Zulu time. Pausing for real-life/sanity breaks is acceptable. Jet only Fleet in classes C/D & E applicable for this challenge. Fly UK, Fly2, Topa, Nordic, Cetan and Cargo ops are eligible. The minimum number of sectors for the challenge required is four to reflect a normal pilot's day but you may go up to a maximum of six if you really want a test. Record your progress and submit on completion of the challenge via this form, this will be reviewed against PIREP's for achievement award. The challenge is open until 23:59z June 2nd. Good luck and be sure to share your progress with the community.
  6. UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

    "Super" news

    So, did anyone get the teaser right from the Fleet and operational changes 2024 new post back in Feb?  If you did, well done, if not then time to reveal some changes to the long-haul fleet coming late this year and in 2025. Fleet Yes the A380 will be coming to the fleet in due course, ops team members have been out picking over the many parked A380 around the world and we've agreed to take six airframes. The introduction will naturally coincide with the arrival of the FBW and/or Inibuilds products when they become available. A change to our previous stance, well yes but we know the FBW will be a massively popular freeware aircraft when it arrives and the A380 which was dying out a few years back is gradually being reintroduced by some operators. Fly UK will operate it on high-demand routes such as New York, Dubai etc. Also replacing the Boeing 747-400 (slated to retire in early 2025) has been a conundrum for the ops team, having spent time pondering over the change and development in the sim aircraft development world, this move along with an order of 12 additional A350-900's will update the long haul fleet. On the shorter haul fleet, we have now confirmed orders for 737-8 Max aircraft to replace the remaining Fly2 737 airframes. These are the Fly UK group's oldest airframes and have served their time on both Mainstream and Fly 2 operations.   Line Ops Challenge 2024 Our free fly month comes to a close at 23:59z 30th April but we have one more challenge back by popular request. Those of you with us during COVID lockdown will recall our line ops challenge which will return in May.  To participate, members must fly a minimum of four consecutive sectors from any airframe within our Class D fleet during a single day. Details will follow shortly on how to take part and prizes on offer from participation.   Summer Anniversary Meet-up Date TBC We are planning a summer meet-up for members at Manchester Airport Pub. Expression of interest form will be shared shortly. After a great time with all those who attended FSWeekend, we look forward to another opportunity to meet up :)
  7. UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

    Easter Delivery

    Easter is upon us and this year the Easter Bunny will be delivering us new aircraft. As announced earlier in the year we have several changes and delivery flights are now live for these additions with some interesting and challenging ferry routes to tackle. Highland Connect ATR42-600 From Toulouse to Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness bases.   Aurora ATR42-600 From Toulouse to Anchorage and Vancouver via Prestwick, Rekjavik, Kangerlussuaq, Churchill, Yellowknife (Anchorage), Edmonton (Vancouver). Cetan E175 to Miami, Denver and San Francisco from Victorville. E195 to Miami, Denver and San Fransisco from Bergen and Helsinki via Narsarsuaq and Montreal. Topa Sky ATR72-600 From Toulouse to Port Moresby and Melbourne via Pescara, Athens, Larnaca, Dammam, Muscat, Karachi, Nagpur, Calcutta, Rangoon and Ho Chi Min. Then splits via Brunei, Makassar Darwin for Melbourne and Sibulan, Rendani for Port Moresby A320Neo, two options with different routes. Wellington from Toulouse via Gander, Los Angeles, Honolulu and Rarotongo or Cairns from Hamburg Finkenwerder via Dubai, Singapore and Darwin. Nordic Sky E190 to Bergen, Helsinki and Stockholm from Tarbes-Lourdes   These flights are available until the end of April. Search for Ad-hoc (FL9000 - 9095). Retirement flights for the aircraft these replace will be announced mid-April.   Downloads for the new aircraft are available now for MSFS platforms for FSS and Asobo products. Virtaulcol and X-Plane E-jets will follow very soon so be sure to check back if that's your platform/product choice.
  8. UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

    Fly UK celebrates 20 years

      In late March 2004, an announcement was made that planning was underway for a new virtual airline. Soon after in early April, Fly UK was born. Fast forward 20 years and Fly UK has become one of the most successful and long-running virtual airlines around with its unique style and identity, not to mention its exceptional community. Over the years Fly UK has evolved as has the flight sim hobby to the point we reach today in what many say is a golden era of flight sim. Steered by an outstanding team of staff past and present, Fly UK enters its twenties having come through its formative years, unruly teens into what we enjoy today. Fly UK has remained at the forefront of the VA space and is arguably the leading non-real world-based virtual airlines with a realistic fleet and operational schedules. We thank all who have supported us on this journey as pilots, supporters and staff, without whom we would not be here today.  To celebrate we have several events and specials for members to enjoy throughout April FSWeekend 2024 Lelystadt Meet-up (March 16/17) Info Pilot rank/aircraft restriction-free period 1st April - 30th April 20th Anniversary challenge and prizes 20th Anniversary group flight events every weekend throughout April Special long-haul social flight Limited edition 20th Anniversary Tour Surprise announcements 20th Anniversary merchandise More details will follow in due course, but we look forward to welcoming all members to join us for a busy Anniversary in April with you all!  
  9. UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

    Fleet and operational changes 2024

    2024 is set to be an exciting year for flight simmers with a raft of quality addons expected to arrive in our simulators. Here at Fly UK, we are making many preparations for our fleet and operations to allow members to plan for the changes we intend to make in our fleet. We'll see some new additions and some types we will be saying goodbye to. Highland Connect Aviation followers will have recently seen the Saab 340 retire from service with Loganiar, Highland Connect will also be retiring its Saab 340’s at the end of March. To replace the venerable Saab, the ATR 42-600 will arrive to replace it.  We will also replace the last ATR 72-500’s with the updated new 600 variant in the Spring. Aurora Aurora will also see ATR 42 replace the Saab 340, We will also retire the MD88 this year although that will take place later in the year, the replacement type is yet to be confirmed.  Nordic Sky Nordic will change its jet fleet to the E190, replacing some of the Dash 8 fleet. Operational changes are planned to make the most of the extra capability offered for Scandanavia-European routes as well as offering Jet capability into some short-field airports such as London City. The E195 fleet will relocate to the US and the Cetan network. Cetan Cetan has been operating for just over a year now with great success, This year may see an additional hub being added, but our main focus will be growing regional routes with the addition of ERJ175 and 195’s. Cetan has several options on A330-900s to convert additionally. Topa Sky As with Hihgland, Topa will be swapping out its last ATR 72-500’s for newer 600’s. We will also be reting the A319 to be replaced with A320 Neo’s. Fly UK  Nothing is imminent for our main Fly UK operations however we are planning with heavy heart to replace the last of the Boeing 747-400’s in late 2024. Sadly the old girls' days on passenger service are numbered and with no representation in MSFS or XP, it is time to move on, but in the hope we do see a product on the horizon, she’ll carry on in Cargo. Fly UK are considering many options to fill the gap the B744 will leave but with many aircraft in the long-haul market coming this year to boost the 787 and 747-8i fleet, we are sure our Long-haul operations will offer some great choices. So that's it for now, lots more is in the works with more surprises to come in our 20th anniversary year so keep watch.
  10. UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

    Is it Christmas yet?

    Across the world, trees are decorated, stockings are ready to be put by the fire, men are about to start thinking about present shopping and Hans Gruber is about to fall from the Nakatomi Plaza......  This can only mean one thing, CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!!!!   Here at Fly UK we have our own gifts ready to roll, so what goodies do our members get now and look forward to in the new year......well lots :) First up out of the stocking is our festive rank exemption period where our members can enjoy rank restriction-free flying from midnight on 23rd December until the end on 2nd January. This means any member regardless of rank can fly any Fly UK fleet aircraft, on any route. PIREPs must be submitted by 23:59 on the final day. Next out from under the tree are some new E-Jets set to join the fleet early in the new year. The Nordic Franchise will expand with additional E195s and add the E190 to the fleet. Extra bases will feature plus with a descent almost as steep as Santa coming down the chimney, operations to London City can be expected. Additionally, we will be adding the E190 to the Cetan fleet, expanding the franchise and some of the USA's unique regional airports across the country.   Soo...all that is left is to wish all our members a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Thank you all for your support in 2023 and we all look forward to a great 2024 in the world of Flight Sim     Oh wait...there was one more thing. Santa left a present outside because it was too big to fit under the tree. Not sure when you'll be able to have it but if you can find it, you'll know what to look forward too!
  11. UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

    787 & Model matching updated

    Updates to our MSFS and Model Matching packs are now available MSFS Kuro 787-8 V2/3 Much improved textures are now available for the popular Kuro 787-8. Both Fly2 and Topa Sky liveries have been updated to our package v2. This will work with both Kuro v2 and v3. A larger package but adds far more depth and detail to the aesthetics of the aircraft improving visuals.   Model matching packages FSLTL  - Our FSLTL model matching package has been updated to Dec 23, adding the latest FSLTL improvements and the Boeing 788 model. This is a standalone package and does not require FSLTL to run, although it is recommended. Apply the VMR priority higher than FSLTL to enjoy the full range of Fly UK liveries. As before a hybrid VMR is offered for those that use both AIG and FSLTL. AIG - We uncovered some issues with our AIG-based VATSIM model matching. If you've been keeping your AIG - AI Manager install (and airlines) up to date, AIG has started moving more aircraft towards MSFS-native models, which broke our MSFS model-matching package. An updated version (AIG Model Matching update - Dec 2023) is now available.   AI offline schedules Support for an offline AI package which replicates Fly UK's current schedules, has been placed on hold for now. With P3Dv4/5 usage within Fly UK declining and our recent announcement over ongoing P3D support, we will therefore no longer be producing Offline AI updates.  bgl-based offline AI in MSFS has been broken since around SU10, and in a double-whammy, the Flightsim community sadly lost the developer whose application we used to generate blog-based traffic schedules. As such, his freeware software is no longer being developed, and no one else appears to be picking up the mantle, unfortunately. Should Asobo get around to fixing what they broke in MSFS, we'll certainly readdress our standpoint as we realise that this package provided immersion for members who prefer flying offline.
  12. UKV1790 - Adam Hart

    Fly UK's 2023 Christmas Month

    Cold winter weather and early nights signal the arrival of December and our Christmas Operations. These traditionally festive seasonal operations will operate from the 1st of December until 2024 arrives with the New Year.   Christmas Liveries Our Special Christmas liveries have returned to the Fleet Centre and are available to download now until 2024. The Christmas liveries cover the following aircraft: Airbus A320-214 (Fenix Simulations, FSLabs Sharklets Varient) Airbus A320-251N (FlyByWire Standalone Package) Boeing 737-800 “Fly UK” and “Fly2” (PMDG Simulations)  Festive Charter Flights Complimenting the Christmas special liveries, our 2023 December Charter flights are scheduled to start on the 2nd of December for Fly UK and Fly2. These festive charters will operate from a selection of airports from the United Kingdom and will operate to typically festive destinations such as Rovaniemi and Ivalo. December’s Featured Destination Our Featured Destination for December takes full advantage of both the charter flights available and the new MSFS World Update, taking pilots to the Finnish airport of Ivalo (EFIV). December’s Screenshot Competition The UK2000 Sponsored Screenshot competition takes a traditionally festive turn for December, with the theme for December being “Flying into Christmas”. Xmas 2023 Tour: “Oh Christmas Tree” For this years Christmas Tour, join us as we trace festive art throughout the skies of Europe in the shape of a Christmas tree. Starting at Santa’s Grotto in Rovaniemi, this tour sees pilots flying through Scandinavia, Western Europe and the Baltics to form Sky Art in the form of a Christmas Tree. The “Oh Christmas Tree” tour is live now and is a Class E tour, allowing all members to fly any aircraft from the Fly UK Group fleet with no rank restrictions. Xmas 2023 Flying Club Tour Fly UK’s Flying Club proudly announces our yearly Christmas Flying Club tour. This year, pilots will enjoy a relaxing set of flights from Rome Fiumicino (LIRF) to Santa’s Grotto in Rovaniemi, Finland. The Flying Club Christmas tour launches on the 1st of December. Xmas 2023 ‘BizJet’ Tour The Flying Club are also launching our Annual ‘BizJet’ Christmas Tour, taking pilots on a picturesque and relaxing journey from Jerusalem (LLJR) to Rovaniemi. The Christmas ‘BizJet’ tour officially launches on the 1st of December. 2023 Christmas Social – Sunday 17th December 2023 at 1300z Christmas can’t be complete without our annual Lapland Social flight! This year, our Social festive flight takes us from London’s Heathrow Airport to Rovaniemi. The event will take place on our private FSD network on Sunday the 17th of December at 13:00z.
  13. UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

    Join us in Lelystad for Fly UK's 20th!

      Fly UK celebrates its 20th Birthday early next year and a number of members have planned to attend FSWeekend in Holland on March 16th/17th as part of the festivities   We welcome anyone who may be interested to join us for the weekend. Event information can be found below along with a forum post link to event discussions. https://fselite.net/content/fsweekend-confirms-new-dates-for-2024/ https://flyuk.aero/forums/topic/1025083-2024-fly-uk-20-year-roadtrip-fsweekend-lelystad-march-1617  
  14. UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

    Henry Hill Memorial

      The Fly UK community recently lost one of its most prominent figures, UKV1213 Henry Hill. Since joining in 2005, Henry consistently featured as a weekly top ten pilot and proudly celebrated amassing 12000 airline hours in December last year. Henry also regularly attended real work events and could be seen on Skytrack map on an almost daily basis crossing the Atlantic. Henry has been a prominent figure in the Fly UK community from the very start and consistently featured as a weekly top ten pilot  Many members and staff had the pleasure of meeting Henry in person at various real-world events over the years at Sherburn Aero Club, Glasgow and the International Flight Sim Convention in Birmingham. He was Fly UK through and through, a true community member and ambassador for the virtual airline. A memorial book for Henry can be found here Fly UK will host a Memorial Event flight this weekend as a mark of respect by flying Henry's favourite across the Atlantic from London Heathrow to New York. Whilst this is a longer route, it would be wrong not to fly the route he loved so much. The flight will take 7 to 8 hours and timings are intended to accommodate members who have other Saturday family commitments. As such departure will be at 13:00 to arrive around 20:40. We welcome all members to join and chat, come and go as able throughout the afternoon. For those unable to commit to a ong haul, a shorter evening option is available and scheduled to arrive with the main group.  https://flyuk.aero/online-events/henry-hill-memorial-flight-long-haul https://flyuk.aero/online-events/henry-hill-memorial-flight-short-haul  
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