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IVAO UK - The Real Heathrow

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IVAO UK - The Real Heathrow


IVAO UK introduces the United Kingdom's largest and busiest airport, fully staffed between 1400 - 2000 Zulu on Saturday, 30th March! Professional service will be provided by over 20 ATC positions, many of which will be staffed by IVAO UK's Virtual Area Control Centre in Milton Keyes.

Fly UK is proud to be the only fictional virtual airline allowed to be part of such an event. So, get your flight plans ready and let's take to the skies in one of IVAO UK's largest events!

Further event details >>

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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Marketing & Graphics - Frans van Santbrink
Email: frans.vansantbrink[at]flyuk.aero
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