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Latest News & Updates for Members - November

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Dear Members,

Even as the winter months start to draw in, it has been yet another busy month! If you haven't noticed we're now running with our new winter schedules offering a variety of great destinations. You'll be pleased to know that new staff are being added to the Training Academy to help bring back previous service levels. Our apologies to anyone who has been waiting a long time for training, we're working to remedy this and will have another instructor or two online just as soon as we can. We already have Gray Brett who is settling into his new role very well! 


Once again, thank you for continuing to fly with us. 

The past month was good in terms activity at Fly UK. An average of 362 unique pilots per week filed a PIREP in October We received 2014 Mainstream PIREPs, 990 Tour PIREPs and 599 Flying Club PIREPs. Membership numbers currently stand at 1165. 


Staff Changes


We're pleased to announce that Gray Brett has joined the staff team as a training academy instructor. A warm welcome to Gray who is already well settled in his new role,


Secondly we'd also like to announce that Derek Butterworth and Matt Lewis will be taking on Director roles to help take Fly UK forward. Derek and Matt are longstanding staff members and will oversee the day to day running of the VA to ensure that it not only runs smoothly, but continues to move and develop new ideas as we progess into the new year.


We'd like to wish all of our newly appointed staff the best of luck in their new roles.




The IVAO Ireland and UK 2015 tours have retired at the end of October. The IVAO long haul 2015 tour will retire at the end of November.




We have received delivery of our Boeing 787 aircraft throughout October. Additional delivery, movement and retirement flights for various fleet types will be available during December and January. Keep an eye on the charters page for the latest information on these. 

Flying Club


The club continues to break new ground and offer our members a change from usual GA and jet flying. Our November event takes us back to 1943 with a reconstruction of the Dambusters raid with real bouncing bombs. I'm sure it will prove to be a memorable flight for those who join. Recently appointed staff member, Gray Brett, has provided a new aspect to the club by opening up Shoreham with Vatsim ATC for members to experience and get some training with GA flying on the network. Look out for more from Gray soon. Our weekly Wednesday evening flight continues to attract pilots to come along for a 'fun-flight'. If you are not sure about flying on the FSD server with us, log on to Teamspeak on Wednesday evenings and listen in to see/hear what we get up to - sometimes serious but always fun!

Fleet News


Please download the new liveries for the Boeing 737-700 as this has now been retired from all FLY2 operations and moved to serve mainstream. FLY2 now operates with Boeing 737-800's to add additional capacity to our existing route network. Please take care to use the right aircraft for the flight!

November Online Events


The list of aircraft on the booking pages of events has been updated to include all the fleet changes this month.

Thanks to UKV1777 Peter Kaminski who has helped Derek with the event flights for this month. Events are held on IVAO, Saturday at 0700z and repeated on VATSIM, Tuesday at 1930z and Thursday at 1400z.

Week 1 UTDD to UAAA Tajikistan to Kazakhstan

Week 2 ENTC to ENSB Tromso to Svalbard in Norway

Week 3 EPWA to LSGS Poland to Switzerland

Week 4 SPIM to SPZO Internal Peru Flight

Please visit our online events page for more information or to register your attendance.

Screenshot Competition - Sponsored by UK2000 Scenery

Congratulations to UKV1661 - Sebastian Hernandez who scooped both the first and second place in the October Screenshot Competition. His winning shot was 'Venice the Floating City'. Sebastian won himself a UK2000 Xtreme scenery package. Well done!

The theme for the November Screenshot Competition is 'Winter Approach'. For more information and to the enter the competition, please see the link below:

November Competition - Winter Approach


Chris Sutcliffe - Chairman
Adam Hillier - Vice Chairman
On behalf of the Fly UK Staff Team

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