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Latest News & Updates for Members - October

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Dear Members,

We now have Fly UK badges for sale to wear at Meet ups and exhibitions, they are £10.00 each, please email human,resources[at]flyuk.aero if you would like to have one.

The past month's activity at Fly UK had an average of 366 unique pilots per week filing a PIREP in September. We received 1,849 Mainstream PIREPs, 918 Tour PIREPs and 432 Flying Club PIREPs. Membership numbers currently stand at 1144

Staff News

Matt Sinclair UKV1619 is just joining us in the position of Marketing Manager. Look out for news, posts and announcements from him on what's happening at Fly UK.

The operations team is now gearing up for winter season changes towards the end of October and some fleet changes. Fly UK Mainstream will switch to winter schedules at midnight 31/10/17. Fly 2 operations switch a month later.
October is also our last month of operation for the JS41 and 737-700, both set to retire. Watch out for delivery flights for the replacement aircraft (B1900D and CRJ) acquired from a North American operator.
We also hope to bring more news about our Topa Sky franchise due to commence operations in the new future.
The new tours added in September are popular.  A new tour will be added before 1st October open to all FlyUK aircraft.  Two Christmas tours are in the final stages of preparation and are expected to be released in early November 2017.

Training Academy
It is apparent that some folks can experience difficulties in booking training due the restrictive nature of our booking system. With immediate effect there is no longer the 3 day lead time before someone can book a training session. It should now be possible for someone to book a session at short notice. Please note however, that you do reduce the chance of an instructor picking up your request, but equally it does allow you to book a session if you suddenly find yourself with spare sim time on your hands. Overall this increases options for our members.

We are also looking into the possibility of having a less restrictive time selection whereby members can request a range of times, for example they put in a request for anytime between 0900 and 1500 thus allowing more scope for instructors to pick up without having to open a separate dialogue. This needs a bit more work for the web team so isn't available yet but do watch this space.


The Pilot Handbook has been updated to V2.12, to clarify what constitutes a 'qualifying' flight regarding maintaining membership and also to clarify the rules regarding the prohibition of flying Event flights offline. The new edition will be available during the first week of October.
We also need more articles for our Skyways magazine if we are to resurrect it. Thank you to those who have submitted content so far, but frankly the response overall has been disappointing. Articles should be emailed to john.wheat[at]flyuk.aero.

Charters (Ad-Hoc)
Charter flights continue in South America and Asia in the Boeing 767-300 until the end of October.  The Boeing 737-700 charter into Russia will be extended for a further month.  Two further charters will be added for October in A320 and B737 in the Middle east - North Africa area.

Flying Club

Regular monthly ATC events are now up and running on a Wednesday evening.

Wednesday Evening Flying Club Flights
20th September saw the Flying Club step up to the challenge of an evening with ATC. A big thank you to both controllers and pilots for attending. We had a very good turnout with a variety of flights taking place, from circuit practise to an IFR departure, local flights surrounding the airport at Shoreham and some departures to Bournmouth and Southampton. ATC cover included Shoreham Tower, Shoreham Approach & Farnborough Radar. Tower was particularly busy.

This was the first time that the Fly UK Flying club ventured into an event incorporating ATC, and whilst there was some confusion on what to do, I think everybody had fun and maybe learnt a little along the way. It is hoped that in the future, we will be able to hold workshops to assist pilots in understanding more about GA VFR & IFR procedures but this will be a relaxed affair with plenty of light banter thrown in.
So if this sounds like the thing you'd be interested in then why not join the Wednesday evening group. It'll make a nice change from 'Big Jets' and a place where you can relax a little. Keep a look out for further events posted on the forum and in the Events pages. Don't forget, if you need any help setting up or a refresher on pilot skills, just visit the TA or you can even just drop a line to any of the Training Staff. 
Wed 4 France LFLY - LFMQ
Wed 11 ATC Event
Wed 18 Cyprus Circular
Online Events:
Events are currently held on FSD, Saturday at 0600z and repeated on VATSIM, Tuesday at 1830z and Thursday at 1300z.
Remember online events have no Rank restrictions, so it's a chance to fly different airframes

Week 1 Milan to Gdansk
Week 2 Svalbard to Tromso
Week 3 Charleroi to Prestwick
Week 4 Salvador to Rio De Janeiro
Week 5 Luxemburg to Lodz

View Event Page

Please visit our online events page for more information or to register your attendance.

Screenshot Competition - Sponsored by UK2000 Scenery
We have a tie for the September Screenshot Competition. There is a vote off now taking place to decide the winner, please have a look here and vote

The theme for the October Screenshot Competition is " Coming Home". For more information and how to the enter the competition, please see the link below:

October Competition - Coming Home


Derek Butterworth - Business Support Director

Matthew Lewis- Operations Director

On behalf of the Fly UK Staff Team

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