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Introducing the new ops team

UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

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Following the successful recent recruitment campaign for the operations team I wish to formally introduce the following members to their new positions on the expanded operations team. I hope all members will extend the welcome and wish all success in thier roles.


David Campbell - Long Haul/Cargo Operations

Daniel Ridley  - Regional/Domestic Operations

Ezequiel Elias - Topa Operations

Lewis Williams - European/Short Haul Operations
Andrew Ledger  - Fly2 Operations
David will continue to manage the ad-hoc charter role he has covered in the past. David and all the new members join Kevin Peeters and myself in taking Fly UK ops forward in 2018.
Many thanks to everyone who applied, the response was very good with some very tough choices to make.
Matthew Lewis - Operations Director
E-Mail: Matthew.lewis[at]flyuk.aero
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