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Latest News & Updates for Members - February

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Dear Members,
The first month of 2018 may already be behind us, but at Fly UK virtual head office we have been busy. We have added 7 new staff members during the month (see details below); they will all contribute to making the services we offer to members better and allow us to more easily create changes to our schedules.

Last month's activity at Fly UK had an average of 375 unique pilots per week filing a PIREP in January. We received 2,717 Mainstream PIREPs, 1,240 Tour PIREPs and 546 Flying Club PIREPs. Membership numbers currently stand at 1,102

Staff News:

Due to real-world work load, Sam is leaving the Staff/Exec team, but he will remain in Fly UK. We thank him for his efforts to date.

Gray Brett (UKV1483) has stood down as Head of the Training Academy, creating time for other projects. He is currently in the early stages of refurbishing his SIM project, but he will continue to offer the PPL/GA courses he loves to teach. I thank him for all his efforts to date in the TA and for all the work he has done to improve our FSD sever offering to members.
David Campbell (UK2066) has taken on additional responsibility in the Ops team as Long Haul / Cargo ops manager.
Ron Kurz (UKV1510) has taken over as Head of the Training Academy.

New to the Operations team are:
Daniel Ridley (UKV1445) - Regional/Domestic Operations
Ezequiel Elias (UKV3669) - Topa Operations
Lewis Williams (UKV3540) - European/Short Haul Operations
Andrew Ledger (UKV1726) - Fly2 Operations
This will take the load off Matthew and allow him to concentrate his efforts on other areas of Fly UK.

UKV1328 Dovlet Muradov has joined the staff as Assistant Online Event Manager. His job is to ensure we have valid flight plans for each event, as well as assisting Peter with the administration of the events by supplying additional material in the forums, with flight briefings, (e.g. preferred runways, expected SID and STARS) and more.

UKV1488 has joined the Training Academy staff. He has specialist knowledge of the Airbus systems and procedures and so will offer airframe training on the A320/A321 we operate, as well as covering all of our general courses.

UKV1323 Andre Almeida has joined the staff as our replacement ATC Controller Manager/trainer of ATC controllers, for those wanting to control on our FSD server.

Our 2018 survey has now closed and we are currently analysing the results. We hope to report back to the members in the very near future. Thanks to all those who took the time to take part.

Our 767 fleet has now retired and is in storage following the arrival of our next batch of 787's. Future fleet planning is underway with the new ops teams.

As mentioned, our new 787's have now taken over the 767 routes. Aside from that, the new ops team continue to plan for the remainder of 2018 and beyond.
It is worth mentioning for anyone that has not been following the forum discussion on classic aircraft, that Fly UK policy has been confirmed as follows - Classic and retro fleet are not part of the VA or its intentions. Fly UK Mainstream and divisions will not under current management and policy operate classic/retro aircraft in any form in the future.
Flying Club
Two new tours have been added - Scottish VFR and England VFR.

The following tours have been marked for retirement: 
Flying Club Xmas Tour, All UK VFR , UK & Ireland Provincial Airports , Cape to Goodwood, FC Prop Retro Tour and FC Jet Retro Tour.

Wednesday Evening Flying Club Flights
Weds 07 Feb - Canada CCZ2 to CYMH
Weds 14 Feb - Australia YLTV to YBDG
Weds 21 Feb - New Zealand North NZGS to NZAP
Weds 28 Feb - Panama Canal

Online Events
Events are currently held on FSD, Saturday at 0700z and repeated on VATSIM, Tuesday at 1930z and Thursday at 1400z.
Remember online events have no Rank restrictions, so it's a chance to fly different airframes. The new AI models and VMR are working well for The Fly UK fleet; lookout for the new MetroAir files coming soon.

Week 1 Johannesburg to Cape Town
Week 2 Agadir to Madeira
Week 3 Multistart to Aberdeen (and a special raffle entry for all those landing at Aberdeen on the fsd Saturday event)
Week 4 Szczecin to Friedrichshafen

View Event Page

Please visit our online events page for more information or to register your attendance.

Screenshot Competition - Sponsored by UK2000 Scenery
Congratulations to UKV3411 - Dmitriy Kozyrev in the January Screenshot Competition. His winning shot was "How am I supposed to land here" Well done!
The theme for the February Screenshot Competition is "Sunrise/Sunset". For more information and how to the enter the competition, please see the link below:

February Competition -

Happy flying!


Derek Butterworth - Business Support Director

Matthew Lewis- Operations Director

On behalf of the Fly UK Staff Team.

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