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Latest News & Updates for Members - March

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Dear Members
We are well into 2018 now and in the UK we are being battered by storms and snow,  but a lot has happened in the staff team of Fly UK, I hope you feel we are moving in the right direction.

Last month's activity at Fly UK had an average of 347 unique pilots per week filing a PIREP in February. We received 1785 Mainstream PIREPs, 823 Tour PIREPs and 414 Flying Club PIREPs. Membership numbers currently stand at 1071

Staff News:

UKV1372 John Wheat Is standing down from his staff role as Technical Author. We thank him for his efforts during his term of office
UKV1510 Ron Kurz has agreed to add Technical Author to his duties as Head of the Training Academy.

UKV3428 Matt Crick has joined the team as our new Web Master, to Support Chris Sutcliffe and Ross in keeping and developing the website
UKV1145 Steve Trueman has rejoined the staff as our main livery painter

The Fly UK guide to setting up connection to our FSD server has been updated. The document is now entitled UKV_TRD_4.6_FSD_Online_Setup_V1.1.pdf and can be found by navigating to Training Academy > Courses and Documents > Online Flying.

Our Pilot Handbook and SOP has also been updated to reflect recent fleet and class changes and other general updates.

Flying Club
Two tours to be retired 01 March to be completed by 01 Sept
BET (Big European Tour) VFR and European Heli-Tour
A new French tour will go live on 01 March. I intend to reinstate a once a month Sunday special event, the first one being on Sunday 18 March exact details TBC

Wednesday Evening Flying Club Flights
Weds 7 March Cote D'Azur (FR) to Sion (SWZ)
Weds 14 March Sion (SWZ) to Mattarello (ITY)
Weds 21 March Mattarello (ITY) to Niederoeblarn (Aus)
Weds 28 March Dunkirk Set up flight
Please visit our Flying club page for more information or to register your attendance.

Online Events
Events are currently held on FSD, Saturday at 0700z and repeated on VATSIM, Tuesday at 1930z and Thursday at 1400z.
Remember online events have no Rank restrictions, so it's a chance to fly different airframes.

Week 1 Washington to Nantucket
Week 2 Antananarivo to St Denis Gillot
Week 3 Juneau to Valdez Pioneer
Week 4 Papua New Guinea to Australia - Cairns

Week 5 Cairns to Brisbane

Please visit our online events page for more information or to register your attendance.

Screenshot Competition - Sponsored by UK2000 Scenery
There was a tie in the February Screenshot Competition. The tie-break voting can be found Here
The theme for the March Screenshot Competition is "Lakes". For more information and how to the enter the competition, please see the link below:

March Competition -

Happy flying!


Derek Butterworth - Business Support Director

Matthew Lewis- Operations Director

On behalf of the Fly UK Staff Team.

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