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Winter 19/20 Schedules are now live

UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

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Our changeover to winter scheduling has now gone live and runs to 31st of March 2020 (excluding Fly2). Please see below the summary of changes and highlights that the new timetables bring.

Fly UK Mainstream

The normal rotation of airframes across many routes has taken place giving seasonal route variation. Manchester and Edinburgh now share A320 and B738 airframes.

The following seasonal and new routes have been added.

  • Manchester - Athens
  • Manchester - Bergen
  • Birmingham - Glasgow
  • Gatwick - Tallin
  • Gatwick - Olbia
  • Gatwick - Belgrade
  • Gatwick - Asturias
  • London City - Innsbruck
  • Southampton - Innsbruck


Fly2 Schedules now reduce for winter with Long haul, Canary islands the primary focus. A reduced Mediterranean schedule to Spain and Portugal remains. Winter Ski flights become active from December 7th through to April 17th.

Fly2 will also wet lease aircraft to the Canadian holiday operators again this winter which will commence December 1st

Nordic Sky

Primary addition to Nordic is the lease of Boeing 737-700's. These serve the following expanded destinations

  • Tallin
  • St Petersburg
  • Warsaw
  • Stuttgart


MD82 lease has now expired and returned. Saab 340 have now entered service.

Topa Sky

As part of our 2020 extension of service plans to the Australian west coast, four additional Dreamliners have entered service from Perth. This include the much requested Perth to London service marking the first time a Fly UK franchise has served a Long Haul route into the UK.

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