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FSD Setup Guide & New Model Matching resources

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We have completed a total overhaul of our FSD and online tool setup guide and our model matching resources and these are now available for members.

The guide can be accessed by members via the below link and is a comprehensive one stop shop for help and guidance and replaces the older website and forum links/guides whcih were harder to find and spread around our site/forums. Whilst the guide is aimed solely at our own FSD server use but can be used as guide for setup other online access networks.


We now have model matching files and resources available from the downloads centre for MSFS (FS2020) and XP11. Both are more limited in terms of aircraft and this is detailed within the readme files for each pack.

MSFS users will now be able to view other traffic on the FSD server if they have the Fly UK liveries installed, or at least default AI aircraft as a fallback. Flying Club aircraft are included for FC events.

XP11 users will for first time have a Fly UK livery pack available to them. Not all aircraft are available as AI so some substitution will occur on some franchise types.

FSX/P3D users remain unchanged at this time however a new AI/VMR pack for Winter 20/21 will be available soon and that will include the recent fleet changes.


Although we now have our own files for FSD use, our colours are not available to other users across the wider online networks in the past unless they happened to have manually downloaded our VMR pack, that will now change as our liveries are now included in the most recent FLAi release, v23. We have also uploaded livery files to X-CSL so those will hopefully be available in an upcoming update. Users of those two major major matching tools will now see our members flying tour colours online going forward. MSFS wider network model matching is still very much in development so we will continue to watch progress carefully.

Finally a big thankyou for all the hard work and effort getting to this stage, its been a big project and task so thanks to Matt L, Matt C, Craig B, Leslie T, and the AI pack team (Adam,Colin,Jason)
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