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787 & Model matching updated

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Updates to our MSFS and Model Matching packs are now available

MSFS Kuro 787-8 V2/3

Much improved textures are now available for the popular Kuro 787-8. Both Fly2 and Topa Sky liveries have been updated to our package v2. This will work with both Kuro v2 and v3.

A larger package but adds far more depth and detail to the aesthetics of the aircraft improving visuals.


Model matching packages

FSLTL  - Our FSLTL model matching package has been updated to Dec 23, adding the latest FSLTL improvements and the Boeing 788 model. This is a standalone package and does not require FSLTL to run, although it is recommended. Apply the VMR priority higher than FSLTL to enjoy the full range of Fly UK liveries. As before a hybrid VMR is offered for those that use both AIG and FSLTL.

AIG - We uncovered some issues with our AIG-based VATSIM model matching. If you've been keeping your AIG - AI Manager install (and airlines) up to date, AIG has started moving more aircraft towards MSFS-native models, which broke our MSFS model-matching package. An updated version (AIG Model Matching update - Dec 2023) is now available.


AI offline schedules

Support for an offline AI package which replicates Fly UK's current schedules, has been placed on hold for now.

With P3Dv4/5 usage within Fly UK declining and our recent announcement over ongoing P3D support, we will therefore no longer be producing Offline AI updates. 

bgl-based offline AI in MSFS has been broken since around SU10, and in a double-whammy, the Flightsim community sadly lost the developer whose application we used to generate blog-based traffic schedules. As such, his freeware software is no longer being developed, and no one else appears to be picking up the mantle, unfortunately.

Should Asobo get around to fixing what they broke in MSFS, we'll certainly readdress our standpoint as we realise that this package provided immersion for members who prefer flying offline.

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