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Long Haul Updates

UKV1685 - Matthew Lewis

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Our six A380s have had a successful introduction and have proven popular on the delivery and familiarisation flights. Now, though, it's time for them to earn their keep, and they will start serving out long-haul operations from Saturday, December 21st.

Based at Heathrow, the A380 will serve New York, Miami, Washington DC, Bangkok, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Cape Town, and the Sydney (via Singapore) route. In addition to taking over from the remaining Boeing 747s, several 748, 772 and 789 have been reallocated to routes from Heathrow covering New York, Philadelphia, Shanghai, Cape Town and Bahrain. Gatwick also receives 772 and 789s from Heathrow replacing the 744s based at our second London Base. These now operate the Seychelles, Mauritius, Phoenix, Hanoi and Dhaka routes.

A380 familiarisation hops remain active until 23/12

Boeing 747-400 retirement flights will also be live from 21/12/24 until the end of the year with the airframes heading to LETL Teurel for storage.

Whilst it's a shame to see the venerable 747-400 leave passenger service without a version many of us can fly, the Queen lives on in our fleet for our cargo operations and I know many will look forward to PMDG bringing her back to the skies.

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