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World Flight - Get Involved with Fly UK!

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World Flight - Logojets & Flights Available


World Flight has just started as the first leg took off from Sydney at 2230z on Sunday 31st October 2010.

We are pleased to announce that our ORBIS logojets are now available to download and all the World Flight legs have now been loaded into our system and are available for you to book.

For full information about World Flight, visit our special World Flight Fundraising Page.

Here is a reminder of how you can get involved:

- Donations

This year Fly UK aim to raise at least £150 for ORBIS! We hope many of you will join in the fun, get involved and make a donation to this great cause. You can make a donation via our special Just Giving page.

- Fly World Flight Legs on VATSIM

We encourage Fly UK pilots to join the simulator teams and fly World Flight legs with them on VATSIM. All the World Flight legs have been loaded into the Fly UK system so you can file pireps and gain hours for any World Flight legs that you fly. To view and book all the legs please see here: http://www.flyuk.aero/en/index1.php?page=worldflight2010

- Fly UK World Flight Online Events:

We're making events out of 4 of this years legs. We hope to have lots of UKV presence for the following flights. Please come and join us, confirm your attendance via the event page if you can make it!

- Monday 1st November - WF1004 - 1740z - San Francisco to Seattle
- Thursday 4th November - WF1024 - 1550z - Cairo to Patra
- Thursday 4th November - WF1025 - 1930z - Patra to Milan
- Saturday 6th November - WF1040 - 1410z - Bangkok to Singapore

- Fly UK ORBIS Charity Logojets:

Our PMDG B737-800 and Level-D B767-300 ORBIS logojets are available to download via our fundraising page. You can use them when flying World Flight legs, or when flying any other Fly UK flights operated by B737-800/B767-300 aircraft.

- Forums

Throughout the event we will closely monitor the progress of the simulator teams. Steve Masson from the World Flight Scotland team posts regular updates, photos and videos in the Fly UK World Flight 2010 forum to keep us up to date! You can also post about which flights you are flying!

--- ENDS ---

Chris Sutcliffe, Tom Hurrell, Jeff Shen - CEO/Assistant CEOs
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