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Can you beat Matt Lewis?

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To celebrate the return of Fly2 the theme this month is any shot with a Fly2 plane in it.


If you need to find a flight click HERE

The closing date for the competition is 31st. May so get clicking and submit your best shots.

Only shots with a Fly2 plane in it are eligible and you'll have to post one that beats Matt Lewis!

Please post your shots HERE

Please Note:

- Maximum number of entries is 2 per person.
- Staff may submit entries.
- Maximum size 1280 x 1204
- Only entries that are based on the theme will be submitted for voting.
- Original shots only, no photoshop / Paint Shop Pro enhancements please.
- Please include a name for each picture you post (to be used for voting).


If you win it three times there's no trophy to keep :bigemo_harabe_net-127:

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