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Message From CEO

UKV1121 - Chris Sutcliffe

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Dear Members,


It has been a while since I have been able to get in touch with you to give you an update on Fly UK, recently both Lee Appleby (Vice CEO) and myself have been offline, busy with real world commitments. You may not of even noticed we have been gone, as the rest of our very capable staff team have kept things running nice and smoothly as always. Both Lee and myself are now back, and with the rest of the team, are working on some exciting new and on going projects which we hope to have completed over Christmas and the New Year. I hope you are still enjoying flying with Fly UK, and being a valued member of our thriving community, below are some updates on what's happening at your virtual airline.




We always aim to operate a realistic, yet practical route network and fleet for flight sim. As part of our on going commitment to achieve this, we have recently launched our winter charter routes, and made improvements and updates to our scheduled flight network. Take a look at the press releases on our homepage for more details.


New Website & Features


Our website is the central driving force behind our virtual airline and community, this is the reason we are taking time to fine tune our new website to ensure it is custom built to meet our needs. Although taking longer than planned, the website is progressing steadily, the main features of the website are now complete and are currently being tested by selected members and staff who we have nominated specially, to test the new website. The new website which includes, a new career mode, new community centre, flights booking system, improved pirep system, improved functionality and more, will most certainly be completed by the New Year.




The fleet is one of the most important aspects of any virtual airline, that's why our fleet department have been working hard behind the scenes revamping all our fleet downloads. We try to ensure we offer the best quality freeware packages, and widest selection of appropriate payware repaints. Our fleet managers Matt Lewis and Tim Wright have been hard at work and along with the new website, we will be releasing improved freeware packages and further payware repaints.


Social Networking Sites


Our marketing department are currently in the process of setting up Fly UK accounts and pages on social networking sites such as FaceBook, MySpace and YouTube. So if you are a member of any of these sites, keep an eye out for when our pages are complete, and remember to add us as a friend and help spread the word of Fly UK!


Staff Team


Over the last few months, there have been a few changes in the staff team. Lee Oxborough has left the staff team as events manager to concentrate on school work. I would like to thank Lee for all his hard work in organising events and other contributions to Fly UK, and wish him all the best with his studies.


Doug Barr has also recently stepped down from the staff team due to increasing real world commitments meaning less time for flight sim. Doug will continue to be an active pilot, flying when he has the time. I would like to thank Doug for all the hard work and enthusiasm that he has shown to Fly UK, especially the helicopter operations division. Doug has always been the driving force behind this successful division, and we hope that in the future, time may become available for him to resume the position.


Public Meetings


It has been decided that until January, public Fly UK meetings will be postponed. Over the last few months it has been difficult to get majority of staff members together for one reason or another, as we have a lot of work and projects on the go, to get Fly UK back on track, meetings will still go ahead, but staff will be remaining in the password protected meeting room to ensure we can best use the 1 hour per week we have together as 1 team.


Kind Regards,


Chris Sutcliffe


Fly UK Virtual Airways CEO.

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