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Training Academy Update: 500th Session, New Courses and hours to be claimed!

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Fly UK Virtual Airways: Training Academy Update:
500th Session, New Courses and Hours to be claimed!



500th Session!

Fly UK Virtual Airways are pleased to announce that our Training Academy has recently held their 500th training session!

Last week we were able to add the 500th completed session entry into our database! This was a Training Session held by manager Kevin Carter, to explain METARS to one of our pilots (UKV1934) at the bright and early time of 0600Zulu!

The Senior Manager of our Training Department, Derek Butterworth says,
"All the TA Managers have the same aim, to pass on their knowledge whilst helping others enjoy the hobby even more by expanding their knowledge. We get great satisfaction from seeing pilots we have helped flying online and having a good time."

Fly UK would like to publicly thank all the members of staff from the training academy who are constantly giving up their own personal time purely for the benefit of others. The training academy plays an integral role in Fly UK by helping many pilots get much more from their hobby, as well as encouraging a strong but friendly learning ethic making it easy to learn!


Reminder: Training Hours Count too!

At Fly UK, we recognize and praise a willingness to learn and expand knowledge, as well as trying new things in order to increase enjoyment of the hobby. In order that pilots are rewarded for learning and undergoing training, we would like to remind members that any time spent undergoing training will be added to your overall hours thus counting towards a higher rank.

For ground school lessons where no actual flying takes place (such as the "New to Fly UK course," "Understanding METARS," "Reading Charts," and similar) one hours flying time will be awarded on full completion of the lesson.

Training sessions which involve actual flying with an instructor guiding you, will reward in acreditation of hours equal to the amount of time you spent on the flight from the "Off Block" time till the "On Block" time.


New Course! - Flying NAT's with FSCommander

Fly UK are also happy to announce the introduction of a new, advanced level training session. The new session will show members how to use FSCommander to help the flight planning + flying of North Atlantic Tracks. This course is for advanced users and assumes you have completed or know the information contained in our 3-stage North Atlantic Track training program.
For more information about these:
To book NATS & FSCommander Course: click here
To book the 1st session of the 3-stage NATS course: click here
To book an introduction into FSCommander: click here

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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Training Academy - Derek Butterworth
Email: derek.butterworth[at]flyuk.aero

Senior Management - Adam Hilier & Carl Richards
Email: adam.hilier[at]flyuk.aero & carl.richards[at]flyuk.aero
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