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Training Academy - Here to Help...

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Training Academy - Here to Help...


The Fly UK Training Academy is here to help you. One of the advantages of being part of Fly UK is that unlike many other virtual airlines these days, we provide a variety of effective training options. We want to make sure all Fly UK pilots 'know their stuff'!

The Training Academy is fairly quiet at the moment which means now is a great time to book a course and brush up on your flying skills or learn something new. The TA offers courses for new and experienced pilots.

All training sessions are conducted online using Teamspeak. The TA also make use of Teamviewer and have the use of a private multiplayer server. All sessions are one2one, just you and an instructor.

Have a read through the questions below. It may help you think of an area where you would like some help or have a few questions.

Fuel & Payload - Do you know how to load your aircraft correctly?

Active Runway - Do you know how to work out the active runway if there is no ATC online?

METARS - Can you decode a METAR?

Flight Plans - Do you know how to plan your routes correctly?

Charts - Do you know how to read and understand charts?

SIDS / STARS - Do you know what they are and how to fly them?

Use of Unicom - Do you know how to use unicom properly online?

Payware Addons - Do you have a payware aircraft add on such as PMDG 737/747 or Level-D 767 and want to know how to use it properly?

Are you new to Fly UK and want someone to show you around?

Helicopters - Have you ever fancied trying to fly one?

VFR Flying - Want to know more about VFR procedures and flying a light aircraft?

Full information on all courses available, and how to book can be found on the Training Academy 'Courses & Info' page.

- Have you got your online checkride award yet?

If the answer is no, then what are you waiting for? The award is given to all pilots who complete our informal 'checkride' on either IVAO or VATSIM with one of our training academy managers. The award shows that you are a competent and confident online flyer.

To book your checkride and get your badge, visit the training academy homepage and book "Online Checkride" for either IVAO or VATSIM - depending on which network you'd like to take the checkride on!

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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Head of Training Academy - Derek Butterworth
Email: derek.butterworth[at]flyuk.aero
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