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IMPORTANT - All INACTIVE accounts will be deleted on Friday 4th Dec

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Dear Members,


Please be advised that on Friday 4th December at 21.00z we are going to delete all Fly UK pilot accounts that are inactive.


If you wish to remain an active Fly UK pilot you MUST make sure your account status is active.


Depending on when you last filed a pirep, it is possible your account status may go to inactive on the morning of Friday 4th December so please remember to check your account on Friday.


Remember, our policy is that all pilots need to file one pirep per month to remain active, if you do not, your account will be set to inactive. Any accounts set to inactive for a period of one month are automatically deleted (apart from in this instance where all inactive accounts will be deleted on Friday).


If you have any questions or queries about this, please contact me.


Kind Regards,


Chris Sutcliffe

CEO - chris.sutcliffe[at]flyuk.aero

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