Make a Donation to Fly UK Group
Each year the Fly UK Group server will cost around £350. This is the cost of the storage, domain, Teamspeak and dedicated multiplayer server. For many years the costs of these have been covered by only a few people and we are always grateful to members who make donations however small or large.
The Fly UK Group currently has over 700 regular flyers and this is just a small plea for members to contribute a small amount to the running costs of Fly UK. If each regular flyer donated £1.00 (I'm sure you agree an affordable fee for all except our youngest members) then we would be well on our way to covering our costs. If anyone wishes to donate any more then we would be incredibly grateful. To make the process of donating easy we have set up PayPal donation options opposite which makes it quick, simple and above all safe to donate to the Fly UK Group.
Once again, if you donate just £1.00 this will be much appreciated. We would like to thank you all in advance for your efforts and support in helping to keep Fly UK alive!
Donation Award

All members that donate will receive the Donation Award which will be displayed on their pilot profile as a show of gratitude for their contribution to Fly UK. The donation award is issued manually by staff so it may take a day or two for your award to be added to you pilot profile.
If you prefer not to have this award added to your pilot profile, please email donations[at] (replace [at] with @) after you have donated.
PayPal Donation
Enter an amount (GBP) below and click the button to be securely directed to PayPal.