Your connection to the Nordic Fjords
Nordic Sky connects the people of Western Norway to numerous domestic and international destinations. Experience some of the most stunning scenery Norway has to offer!




Dash 8 Q400
The DH8D Q400 is a Class E aircraft. We have 9 Bombardier DH8D's in the fleet. The aircraft carries 76 passengers with 2 flight deck crew.
Aircraft Info & DownloadsEmbraer E190

The ERJ 190 is a Class E aircraft. We have 18 Embraer ERJ's in the fleet. The aircraft carries 96 passengers with 2 flight deck crew.
Aircraft Info & DownloadsKodiak 100 III

The Kodiak 100 Series III is a Class E aircraft. We have 5 Daher Kodiak 100's in the fleet. The aircraft carries 9 passengers with 1 flight deck crew.
Aircraft Info & Downloads