4 New Tours Launched
Posted 11 Sep 2008

4 New Tours Launched

Fly UK are pleased to introduce 4 new tours.
We understand that from time to time, some pilots may want a break from our normal scheduled flights. The Fly UK tours will take you on a journey, discovering different parts of the world in a series of variable legs using a variety of different aircraft throughout the tour.
Tours can be flown online or offline. Some are based on IVAO tours which mean you can also earn IVAO tour awards at the same time. There are different tours available to different ranks. Some tours are a quick way of building up hours to progress to the next rank. Some tours also allow you to fly aircraft above your current rank.
We have also made some slight changes to our existing tours in terms of aircraft assignment to legs.
CEO Chris Sutcliffe comments:
"Tours are very popular at Fly UK, and as a result of members asking for more of them, we are pleased to respond by introducing another 4 new tours. We also introduced the PGA tour a few weeks back which now means pilot of all classes has plenty of choice when it comes to flying tours."
Here is some information about our new tours which we hope you will enjoy flying:
African Tour - ATP +
Depart from London for a tour of the great continent of Africa! Take in the sights as you visit places as Cairo on the mighty Nile with its pyramids, or Cape Town next to Table Mountain, including a visit to the fabled Timbuctu. Other places to visit include the Victoria Falls, the Seychelles, Tenerife and Mauritius.
IVAO World Tour - Class A +
Travel the world and see the sights! Based on the IVAO World Tour 2008 (IFR Version A). Can be flown online or offline. Remember if you fly the legs online on IVAO, you can also earn your the IVAO tour award.
IVAO AU Across The Tasman Tour - Class B +
With this tour you will start at Perth (the world’s most isolated city) and fly east across Australia and then via oceanic routes to New Zealand where you will fly the length of the country before heading back to Australia, around the coast and back to New Zealand. Based on the IVAO AU tour. Can be flown online or offline. Remember if you fly the legs online on IVAO, you can also earn your the IVAO tour award.
Endurance Tour - Class C +
Our longest tour yet... will you be able to handle it? All legs are between 1-3 hours, this tour takes you all over the world...
For full information on Fly UK tours, and to find out about our existing tours click here.
You feedback is very important to us. We have created a feedback topic in our community forums here, if you would like to tell us what you think about the new tours.
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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at www.flyuk.aero