Advanced Flight Series
Posted 22 Aug 2006
Fly Uk Advanced Flight Series:
The events and online flying department is pleased to announce the start up of the Advanced Flight Series. As the name suggests this new event will test the skills of Fly Uk Pilots in areas such as difficult departures and approaches in hostile terrain also short field landings or approaching a busy airport with crowded airways.
This event will also allow pilots to see some interesting scenery which is not normally available on standard routes. All events will take place on IVAO with full ATC converage along the way. We are planning on hosting these events at least once a month so make sure you know when they are by checking the main site for updates or in the forums.
The first event will be a flight from Geneva, Switzerland (LSGG) to Innsbruck, Austria (LOWI) and will commence at 19:00 local time. Any member of Fly Uk can participate in this event and can fly any aircraft regardless of their rank.
For more information please visit the events page: