Aircraft .cfg Files

Posted 11 Jan 2007

To all Members.

Just a quick letter to clear up two things.

Firstly the Fly UK Aircraft downloads are now being reloaded to the server and should be available soon. Class E aircraft are now online again.

One other little thing is there seems to be some concerns about the way the aircraft cfg file is made up. 

We have designed the aircraft cfg file so that it creates a FLY UK section in the Flight Simulator aircraft menu.

Most of the Fly UK aircraft downloads will be released this way.

You should look for the Fly UK aircraft in this order.

Aircraft Manufacturer = Fly UK Virtual Airways

Aircraft Type = Class E-A

Aircraft Variation = Boeing 737-700 / Airbus A320-221 etc.

This makes it slightly easier to find the Fly UK Aircraft that you wish to find as they are all in the same section of the menu.

I hope this has cleared this up and pilots can find there aircraft .

Best Regards . Fleet Manager.



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