To celebrate Fly UK’s 2nd birthday, a special birthday event has been created in coordination with IVAO, similar to the great Fly UK Geneva Fly-in held last month.
In this event, all IVAO registered pilots are invited to join us as we depart from Glasgow at 1700z (1800 local time) and travel south to our Leeds Bradford hub. After a short turn around, at 1800z (1900 local time) we will depart and continue south to our London Gatwick hub. A further speedy turn around will allow us to depart by 1915z (2015 local time) and we will complete the last leg of the event by travelling down to our Geneva hub. All IVAO registered members are invited to participate in this event. It is not necessary for you to fly all of the legs; you may fly just the ones that you have time for.
In the Geneva Fly-in, held last month on IVAO, a total of 16 Fly UK pilots participated in the event. This time we would like to see more of our IVAO registered pilots take part, if it is possible, and make a new record for the total amount of Fly UK pilots connected to the IVAO network at any one time, showing that our virtual airline really is the best!
So, if you’re not busy, why not come along and take part in this memorable event. For further information regarding the event, please click here.