Fly UK - Management Vacancies
Posted 29 Mar 2011

Management Vacancies

Fly UK Virtual Airways are recruiting for 4 management positions!
We are looking to recruit a Graphics Designer, Marketing Manager, Operations Manager and a Web & Systems Manager. In fact, we are interested to hear from anybody with experience, intelligence, interest and time to devote to this hobby.
Working with Fly UK
When you join the Fly UK staff team, you'll soon discover that running a virtual airline is more complex and detailed than you may have originally thought, involving an enormous amount of planning and hard work.
Therefore, in order to make the operation run smoothly, effectively and efficiently we have to ensure we have the very best people as part of our team. It doesn't matter which department you join or role you take - as a Fly UK staff member you are critical to ensuring our long term success.
To learn about what is required for the different roles, and to find out how to apply, please visit our management careers page.
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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:
CEO Team - Chris Sutcliffe, Jeffrey Shen & Tom Hurrell
Email: ceo-team[at]