Flying Club - A whole new altitude!
Posted 11 Apr 2011

Flying Club - A whole new altitude!

Why not take a break from airline flying and hop into a light plane or helicopter and either go solo or for more fun, join other members flying VFR online on multiplayer. You'll have a personal log-book if you wish to log your flights as you go. We hold informal VFR events, wherever FS will take us. Serious fixed-wing training is also available from one of our qualified PPL instructors. Whether you prefer flying tours in remote places, or flying in busy, informal events - there is something for everyone!
- How do I get involved?
It's easy to get involved with the Flying Club! Follow the guidelines below, then browse the information for further details. Why not say 'Hello' in our Flying Club section of our community forums?
- You can fly any helicopter, single engine or small twin engine prop aircraft, up to the size of a Beech Baron or equivalent, less than 3 Tonnes maximum weight.
- You can fly anywhere you like, as far as your aircraft will take you!
- You can fly online or offline, simply file a PIREP via the Flying Club website, and you'll have your own log-book
- Remember, if you file a PIREP over a duration of one hour then it will keep your Fly UK account active for another month
- Then, why not explore our events and tours as outlined below?
- Flying Club Manager
We are sad to announce that UKV1341 - Trevor Darley has decided to step-down from his position at the Flying Club to go back and enjoy flying once again, and to allow a new era of the flying club.
We would all like to personally thank Trevor for everything he has done for the Flying Club - he has worked very hard attending and organising countless events for everybody's benefit. He has been very successful at building the Flying Club up and without him it wouldn't be anything like as popular as it is today.
We are however pleased to welcome UKV1238 - Brian Hudson to the staff team who joins us as Trevor's replacement in the Flying Club. We wish Brian all the best in his new position - and hope together we can continue the exciting developments Trevor kick-started.
- Events
If you enjoy flying with others, or are interested in getting to know the flying club, why not attend one of the regular Flying Club events? Remember that the flying club now has 2 regular events; an informal gathering every Wednesday night at 1800z and also a monthly group-flight.
- Every Wednesday - 1800z - join the Fly UK Teamspeak and head down to the Flying Club room where you will find members having an informal meeting. Sometimes they will trial software, test a route for a monthly event, or have a short informal flight. Either way, this is the perfect chance for new members to come along and ask any questions they may be have and get help with getting started - everybody is always happy to help new members!

- Sunday 17th April - 1330z - Explore Puerto Rico
We also hold these informal but structured flights which are a perfect way to explore a new area at a leisurely pace with other members who will guide you along the way if you are new. This month, the Flying Club is going to explore Puerto Rico
For this event we will be using FSX multiplayer.
The planned 'takeoff' time is 1400z hours but please join us at least 30 mins before so we can have an informal flight briefing.
Please be sure to look at our Flight Plan Briefing.
For full details on how to get involved, to confirm your attendance and to read important hints and tips, please view the event page.
- Tours
Alongside our events and normal flying, why not try one of our interesting tours? Stay close to home with our England & Wales tour, or explore new areas & great scenery with our brand new Norwegian Tour.

English & Welsh Airfields Tour - 20 legs, 35 airports, 1225nm
UK Heli Tour - 24 legs, 20 airports, 8000nm
Scottish VFR Tour - 52 legs, 52 airports, 2258nm
[BRAND NEW!] Norwegian Wonders Tour - 21 Legs, 21 airports, 3043nm
- Features of the Flying Club!
Don't forget, as well as everything above, we have got lots of features to keep you busy:
Full training & guidance from our Training Academy, some of our trainers have real world PPLs. Whether you need advice or assistance with a small procedure, or a full course on VFR navigation and phraeseology, we can help you. Click here to view our Flying Club training courses.
Enjoy flying Helicopters? Some say it's impossible to do properly in Flight Sim, but let us prove this wrong! With a correct setup and a little patience, we'll be able to help you on your way with our in-house experts. Just turn up to one of our Wednesday Evening sessions, or contact UKV1341 - Trevor Darley to arrange a training session. Full details can be found on the flying club helicopter page.
We have a great collection of recommended downloads for flying VFR. Whether it's aircraft or scenery, freeware or payware, be sure to look at our downloads page to find some great suggestions.
Lastly, remember, if you file a PIREP over a duration of one hour then it will keep your Fly UK account active for another month!

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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Flying Club Manager - Brian Hudson
Email: brian.hudson[at]