Flying Club Training
Posted 10 Jun 2012

Flying Club Training
The Fly UK Flying Club are pleased to announce a revised set of training courses. Some of these are new and others are re-introductions of previous courses. Taken together, these courses provide a structured path through your VFR training which you can take to whatever level you like.
All courses can be booked through the Training Academy webpage. There are also links to the Flying Club specific courses on the FC homepage.
- Assisted GA flight
For those new to flying light aircraft, this short session comprises an assisted flight on the Fly UK FSD server using either the default Cessna-172 or one of the Flying Club Pipers. Where possible, the flight will use the cockpit sharing facilities of FSX.
- VFR Procedures
A short course comprising three to four sessions covering the various procedures for flying VFR in the UK. The course covers VFR flight planning, RT comms and flight procedures, and ends with a final checkride in order to gain the award. Pilots wishing to take this course need to be reasonable proficient at flying the C-172, and need to have at least 10 hours GA flying in their FC logbook.
- Helicopter Basics
A short course, introducing the basic principles of rotary flight emphasizing the differences with fixed wing flying. You'll cover basic aspects such as how to set up your simulator, effect of controls, movements, hovering, transitions and flight. There are no formal requirements for this course, other than a desire to get to grips with these challenging but ultimately highly rewarding machines. Once again, the course ends with a checkride entitling you to the award.
- Virtual PPL (fixed-wing or rotary)
Only for the serious pilot! You'll be assigned an individual trainer who will guide you all the way though a full PPL course, based on the real world JAR syllabus. Places on these courses are strictly limited. You'll need to be fully committed, as the course will take take a MINIMUM of 15 sessions (and probably considerably more). Pilots wishing to take either course need to have completed the VFR Procedures course.
In addition, there are a number of other Training Academy courses which will be of interest to Flying Club members.
- Fly UK FSD software setup
Get up and running with the software required for flying on the Fly UK FSD server and joining in with the Flying club online sessions.
- Basic Training 1 - Weather and METARs
Essential for the GA pilot as the weather has a major impact on what you can expect from a light aeroplane.
Seperate course for pilots wishing to build on the above and achieve the VATSIM P3 (VFR) rating. The course will be run by our VATSIM team. Contact UKV1426 - Joe Wailes for more details.
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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Brian Hudson - Flying Club
Email: brian.hudson[at]