New TA Document - Basics
Posted 02 Jun 2009
New TA Document - Basics
At Fly UK we encourage a high standard of flying, we therefore expect pilots to have an in depth knowledge of flying in flight simulator. The hints and tips guide runs through the basics of flying in flight simulator.
Areas covered by this guide:
- Documentation
- Flight Simulator Settings
- Fuel & Payload
- Active Runway & Weather
- Weather & METARS
- QNH & Altimeter
- Flight Plans
- Flying a Flight Plan
- Checklists
- Charts
- Understanding Charts
- Add-Ons
- Online Flying
We recommend pilots look through the basics checklist document:
Basics Checklist: downloads/res...D-TIPS-V1.0.pdf
If there is anything on the checklist you feel you need some more help with, don’t understand or just want to go over again, then please make use of the basics document. Remember the Fly UK Training Academy also offers one2one online training sessions in all areas covered by the basics document.
Basics Document v1.0: downloads/res...D-TIPS-V1.0.pdf
The basics covered in this document may seem obvious to some of us now, but think back to when you started flight sim and didn’t know how to fly none other than direct GPS everywhere! Remember, everyone starts somewhere!
Special thanks to Adam Hillier and Mike Higgins for putting this document together.
We hope you find this a useful resource.
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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Head of TA - Derek Butterworth
Email: derek.butterworth[at]