Staff Promotion
Posted 07 Dec 2005
Fly UK are pleased to announce, staff team member Tim Chambers has today been promoted to Senior Manager status within the team.
Tim has been with Fly UK since 5th September 2005, after 7 weeks of flying with us, Tim eagerly took up the role of events manager which became available when Sam Miles resigned due to personal commitments. Sam had put tremendous amount of work into Fly UK events, the main aspect was the extremely well organised, weekly IVAO event, Tim rose to the challenge of continuing organising, planning & promoting these events, which he has done to a superb level, every week we have a superbly organised IVAO flyin event, complete with a fully detailed info page for pilots.
Since joining the team, Tim has shown extreme dedication and has spent many hours putting in lots of work & effort into Fly UK which has contributed to the continued smooth running and success of one of the UKs leading virtual airlines.
Tim will maintain his responsibilities within events, but also will undertake more responsibilities within the new year.
Kind Regards,
Fly UK CEO - Chris Sutcliffe