Staff Team Vacancies
Posted 10 Aug 2009

Fly UK Virtual Airways are pleased to announce new positions have now become available within the Fly UK staff team. Becoming a member of the staff team is both an exciting and challenging commitment, however the utmost of dedication is required at all times.
Position: Fleet Repainter
Closing Date: Saturday 29th August 2009 (Midnight)
In this position, you will work together with our existing repainters to ensure we have quality, up to date Fly UK repaints available for a wide selection of FS2004/FSX freeware/payware aircraft. You will need to have the knowledge and skills to be able to do repaints for FS2004/FSX aircraft. Please include examples of any previous repaint work and which versions of flight sim you have in your application. Our current aircraft to do list is as follows:
FSX Freeware: Default B747-400 & B737-800
FS2004 Freeware: Meljet B747-400 & B757-200
FS2004 Payware: Ejets EMB-170, Captain Sim B757-200 (pax and freighter), PSS B757-200 (pax), feelThere/Wilco A320-200 & feelThere/Wilco A340-600
IVAO MTL: ATR 72-500, Dash 8 Q400, Fokker 100, Airbus A320 & Boeing 757-200
To Apply For This Position or to Discuss Further:
Send an email application to - staff.recruitment[at]
Please include your name, UKV number (if applicable), age, location, why you wish to apply for this position and any previous experience.
Position: Marketing Manager
Closing Date: Saturday 29th August 2009 (Midnight)
In this position, you will work with other members of the Fly UK Marketing Department to assist in the promotion and advertising of the virtual airline. You will also be responsible for assisting with the following monthly projects within the Marketing Department:
- Press Releases
- Skyways Magazine
- Destination of the Month
- Images (homepage, support us, desktop wallpapers, splashscreens, awards)
- Recruitment (Fly UK Tour)
- Advertising / Promotional Material (audio/video)
- In-Flight Entertainment
Send an email application to - staff.recruitment[at]
Please include your name, UKV number (if applicable), age, location, why you wish to apply for this position and any previous experience.
Fly UK Equal Opportunities Policy
Fly UK welcomes anyone to apply for these positions and although no past experience is necessary it will of course be of benefit to the candidate. The closing date for all applications is midnight on Saturday 29th August 2009. We aim to inform all candidates of the outcome by Monday 31st August 2009.
Further information on staff team positions at Fly UK, can be found here.
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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:
CEO - Chris Sutcliffe
Email: chris.sutcliffe[at]
Vice CEO - Chris Miley
Email: chris.miley[at]