Two new Channels added on our TS3 server
Posted 21 Sep 2014

Two new Channels added on our TS3 server
Two new Channels have been added on our TS3 server, IVAO ATC ( do not disturb) and VATSIM ATC ( DO not Disturb), as we now have the facitilty to operate TS3 for our company commincations and have TS2 IVAO and VATSIMS own system for ATC you can end up missing ATC instructions with Chatter from our channel. So the idea is now if you have ATC you now move to these new quiet rooms and then move back to the ordinary rooms when on UNICOM.
Please contact us via the forums or login to the teamspeak server and speak to the staff if you have further questions. Speak to you in teamspeak soon!
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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Pete Gill (CEO) & Derek Butterworth (V-CEO)